Rina BernabeiHolding You, 202329cm x 17cm$600
Elizabeth LewisHorned Vase, 202419 x 10 x 7.5cm$350
Elizabeth LewisHydra Vessel, 202215 x 20 x 8.5cm$450
Asahi SoHydrangea Budvase 1, 202213 × 8 cm$120
Kara WoodI am in you and you in me, 202312.5 x 7$175
Kristy HusseyI’ve got a handle on it, 202123 × 30 × 22 cm$440
Jennifer OhImparare A Fregarsene, 202419 x 15 x 4 cm$250
Sasa ScheinerIris, 202435 x 18 x 18 cm$600
Meg WaltersIristo, 202428 x 23 cm$700
Tina PsarianosJailbird 2, 202418 x 24 x 24 cm$430
Tina PsarianosJuxtaposition, 202325 x 30 x 30 cm$550
Naoko RodgersKauai, 202112 × 13.5 × 26 cm$240
Naoko RodgersKenya, 202132cm x 12.5cm$450
Adrienne RichardsKoala at the Mehi, 202336x40x4$1,350
Naoko RodgersKyoto, 202117cm x 18cm x 14cm$300
Sophie NolanLady Blue Gum II, 202338 × 20 × 9 cm$420
Elizabeth LewisLap Pool Vase, 202419 x 11.5 x 8cm$350
Jennifer OhLight Up Your Tastebuds, 202431 x 26.5 x 7 cm$600
Kristin BurghamLine Vessel, 202215.5 × 14 × 10.5 cm$410
Sophie NolanLittle Blossom, 202324 x 17 x 10 cm$290